Tivan Tejarat Alborz Engineering & Commercial Company was established and launched under registration number 288606 in February 2006. The activities of the company range from trading, giving technical consulting, importing, exporting, and goods clearance to granting authorized representative to local and foreign dealers as well as participating in national and international auctions. By planning its activities and managing its skilled and motivated human resources, the company -which enjoys an agile organizational arrangement in the field of trade (both domestic and foreign)- has well performed the relevant activities and still continues to do so.


Being able to create new opportunities and modern techniques of supplying goods in the marketing industry, and a pioneer in identification of new and different markets and products



  •  Turning into one of the top 10 suppliers of goods in the countries’ chain stores

  •  Geographical expansion of the activities in at least three provinces as well as increase in the physical space and the number of human resources at the headquarter office.

  • Having an active presence in the market and in the area of domestic and foreign suppliers of goods as the main supplier of products